Let LP-NP coalition stay strong and united


The coalition of Transportation Secretary Mar Roxas’ and President Benigno Aquino’s Liberal Party (LP) with Senator Manuel Villar’s Nacionalista Party (NP) in the wake of Vice President Jejomar Binay’s and former President Joseph Estrada’s joint forces that gave birth to the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), was a big relief for those who believe in the leadership and direction that PNoy is taking this country.

Whether it is for political expediency or political positioning that will bring the LP-NP alliance up to the 2016 presidential elections, the fact is that the alliance sees the need for a continuity and sustainability of the administration’s programs for growth and development.

That the leaders of both parties have decided to place their differences at the backburners, and concentrate on edifying and solidifying the coalition’s foundation by coming up with a strong, reliable, competent and winnable senatorial ticket for the 2013 elections, only mean that PNoy’s commitment to improve the economic outlook of this country by cleaning government of corrupt officials and prosecuting them is an accepted and welcomed norm by the heads and members of the coalition.

There have been speculations that the NP, which is allied with Eduardo Cojuangco’s Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC), wants four slots in the senatorial slots which will be filled in by Senators Alan Peter Cayetano and Antonio Trillanes IV; the NP president’s wife, former Las Piñas Rep. Cynthia Villar; and either NP spokesman, former Surigao del Norte Rep. Robert Ace Barbers or Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Teddy Casiño.

Also that NPC wants Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile, son of Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Senators Francis Escudero and Loren Legarda to be included.

It has always been reported that LP is determined to field Technical and Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) Director-General Joel Villanueva, Aurora Rep. Sonny Angara, former Akbayan Rep. Risa Hontiveros, Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon, former Sen. Ramon Magsaysay Jr. and President Aquino’s cousin Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV.

Even Senator Gregorio Honasan has expressed willingness to be adopted by the LP.

All in all, this is seen to be a pretty much formidable composition of coalition candidates.

But, what is this idiotic news that the LP-NP coalition is also considering fielding former senator and failed presidential candidate Ana Consuelo “Jamby” Madrigal?

Why invite and/or include somebody in the senatorial slate, if that person would only create disharmony and animosity in what is already a solid alliance of agreement and understanding in its core?

Why force the issue now and sacrifice party unity just so Madrigal could be accommodated even if there is bad blood between her and Rep. Cynthia Villar?

Would Madrigal’s millions make a difference? Could she be LP-NP’s saving grace?

Think about it again.

As it is in the planning board, the names mentioned as senatorial candidates for 2013 under the LP-NP coalition are fair enough for the people to represent them. So let the alliance stay strong and united and, certainly, it can be done without Jamby Madrigal.


Political reconciliation or political ‘butterflying’?

I hope this is not merely a political butterfly flirting for political accommodation and concession, but one political butterfly that has the honor and dignity to say what he means and to mean what he says.

This has reference, of course, to the statement made by Nacionalista Party (NP) secretary-general Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, saying: “We will be cooperating because the success of the new president is not anymore the success of the Liberal Party but the success of the country. So we have to really move this country forward.”

This affirmation is indeed very pleasing to the ears because not only will the NP’s reconciliation with the Liberal Party (LP), led by president apparent Sen. Benigno Aquino III, will make the union stronger, but it assures the people of the fast-tracking of the administration’s blueprint for the country’s progress.

The inferred coalition happening between the NP and the LP at the House of Representatives to help Quezon City Congressman-elect Feliciano Belmonte Jr. win the House speakership bodes well for the in-coming Aquino administration.

It signals the alignment and cooperation much needed in the lower House to pass bills beneficial to the country without much ado.

This move at the lower House not only negates now the alluded secret alliance between Sen. Manuel Villar and Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, but, in effect, will somehow neutralize the Arroyo forces, who, beholden to the outgoing president, are obliged to install her as speaker of the House.

Seeing the advantages of aligning and cooperating with the in-coming administration, Cayetano, the astute politician that he has become, has insinuated that what is happening at the lower House should also happen at upper House.

Like I said, it is not bad an idea at all. In fact, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, if one talks about the welfare of the country.

What changes the balance and becomes a bad omen is when Cayetano and company are proposing a coalition with the LPs in the senate because they are nurturing a devious plan of putting back Villar as the Senate President.

This would be a disaster for the country and I hope Noynoy Aquino will not fell in the trap.

In other words, what am saying is anybody for the Senate presidency will do, except Villar.

After what we all heard, not again, please.

Politics: a fair game arena

Politics can be defined in many ways. But, the definition that aptly applies to the way, we, Filipinos, conduct our brand of politics, is that it is a system or an affair or even a social relation where intrigue is evilly used to gain authority or power.

It is the crab mentality in us that tries to bring down a prey through covert actions and sinister plots just so an end is met, a goal achieved and those behind emerge as winners.

It is a crafty conspiracy by people or party which is always done in an underhanded manner for the purpose of destroying your target by assassinating his reputation and character, making him look like a bungling nincompoop – incompetent and unqualified.

Such is what is happening to Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, standard-bearer of the Liberal Party, who is leading in the presidential race.

And all is nothing but black propaganda.

In a seemingly desperate move, some unscrupulous people, said to be aligned with Nacionalista Party standard-bearer Sen. Manuel “Manny” Villar, who is Noynoy’s closest rival, have been and persistently continue to circulate damaging news and sending negative text messages about Noynoy’s mental health despite Ateneo de Manila Department of Psychology denying and denouncing that such allegation of “psychiatric evaluation” never took place

Even Malacañang, through its spokesman, Press Undersecretay Rogelio Peyuan, has been lured to ride onto this charade of false information for political mileage of their own candidate (Villar?), thus discrediting and embarrassing Noynoy further.

Why can’t President Arroyo simply gag her palace mouthpiece knowing the doubtful, if not the dubious, veracity of this report and show that they don’t have a part of this despicable political machination?

What is comforting and encouraging, however, is that Noynoy, despite the deliberate affront on his person, has remained unruffled to the chagrin of his political adversaries.

Being unshaken and brushing off the issue about his mental health on the ground that it has been fabricated by corrupt and vicious individuals is the best counter-offensive move he can make.

Not biting the bait frustrates any fisherman.

Likewise, ignoring forged reports defeat the purpose of a dirty politician falling behind in the race.

El Shaddai unofficially endorses Villar

It has been reported that the Catholic group El Shaddai exclusively invited presidential candidate Manny Villar and his running mate Loren Legarda when its leader, Bro. Mike Velarde, held a prayer rally in central Hongkong recently.

While Velarde disclaims that he has formally endorsed Villar’s candidacy, his actions and words were enough indication and clue where his heart belonged to, thus, undeniably signaling his flock to follow his lead.

Definitely, this is a big boost to the Nacionalista Party’s standard bearer who is said to be closing in on Noynoy Aquino’s poll survey ratings amid verbal assault that the son of democracy icon and former president Cory Aquino is an inexperienced neophyte and only has his name to boot while portraying himself as a rags-to-riches businessman and savior of beleaguered OFWs.

But, doesn’t it make you wonder why a Christian like Velarde throws in his lot behind Villar and not at his fellow Christian leader, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, of the Jesus Is Lord Movement’s political party, Bangon Pilipinas?

Doesn’t Velarde subscribe to Villanueva’s “politics of God?”

How odd it has to be that while they share the same goals in preaching practically the same religious ideals and beliefs, they, however, don’t share the same political platforms.

People know that like Villar, Velarde has also become a very wealthy man.

Perhaps the idiomatic expression we have been hearing that, “birds of the same feather flock together,” is true.

It is just as true as when we hear people say that, “politics makes strange bedfellows.”

Manny Villar’s desperate acts

The Nacionalista Party has formally welcomed Manny Pacquiao to their fold.

This is the party where the improbable and the inconceivable are imaginable and likely to happen now.

We have a world boxing champion who thinks the only way to lick poverty is by running for political office. Whether or not he is aware of his limitations as a lawmaker, the sad thing is that almost all Filipinos know that he is only being used and manipulated for his fame and wealth by desperate politicians and opportunists.

If only Pacquiao realizes how much more he can do to helping uplift the impoverished among us, outside of politics, am sure he will experience a more fulfilling job and life ahead, after he hangs up his gloves.

Politics will only bring Pacquiao ridicule and damnation.

Presidential candidate Sen. Manny Villar hounded Pacquiao all the way to the U.S. before the latter’s fight against Cotto.

In desperation Villar opted for popularity over competence to prop him up in the 2010 elections.

Another unthinkable is the case of Rep. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., a namesake of the despot who violated every right we had for nearly 20 years, who is now back in the limelight more than ever, joining the party his father catapulted to from the Liberal Party, that eventually brought him the presidency.

But, that is not what is remarkable. What is astonishing is that the leftists who fought tooth and nail against the dictator are now in the same platform with the dictator’s son! Gone are the harsh words that pilloried the Marcoses before. What used to be words vilifying the family have now turned into complimenting words.

No wonder, we, as people, are being described as having short memory.