Pacquiao eyes vice presidency in 2016

Boxing icon turned politician, Rep. Manny Pacquiao

With the kind of voter’s mentality that we Filipinos are known for, world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao as vice president in 2016 is not a far fetched reality.

During the tumultuous crowd of Mexicans welcoming the Pacquiao-Marquez world press tour, the Filipino icon said that, “Come 2016 I am going to run for vice president… no more boxing at that time.”

I would like to think that Pacquiao, now a congressman from Sarangani, sounded too presumptuous for his own good, but then he is not really known for his arrogance or uppity attitude even now that he has added politics to his luster of achievements.

Thank goodness that 2016 is still five years away for him to gain more knowledge and improve himself if he wants public service to be his life after boxing. With his known determination and fortitude, Pacquiao can be what he wants to be.

It’s not a bad idea that he plans to run for governor in Sarangani province in Mindanao after his stint in congress and before he finally sets his eyes for the vice presidential race in 2016. It is an excellent experience and test before embarking on a bigger responsibility in the executive branch of governance.

Pacquiao’s sincere and unpretentious ways have endeared him to his boxing fans worldwide. The same traits are drawing a lot of followers for the concern and service he is doing to his constituents as a novice congressman.

He has been performing a lot better than those who have been congressmen for a long time and are simply good at grandstanding (like movie actors turned politicians), and making a dynasty out of their coveted positions.

To think that Pacquiao has started honing his higher education and knowledge of parliamentary procedures only very recently, too, is quite amazing. One would think that the enormity of things to be learned would overwhelm his poor upbringing and uneducated self.

But Pacquiao is made of a different stuff. His propensity to improve and his ability to absorb and make perfect what has to be learned to become better and to excel has been proven in his quest for boxing greatness.

What makes Pacquiao head and shoulder above his peers in congress is his big and kind heart that knows how to empathize with the poor and impoverished and understands what has got to be done.

His exposure in congress coupled with his plan for the governorship in Sarangani province in the future are apt baptism of fires that will make him an excellent vice president of this country.

He has made enough money and continues to make oodles of money to last him his lifetime and that of his children’s.

It is simply heartening that the fire in his guts now is not about beating foes and winning more belts, but helping the poor in this country earn their worth and making this country respectable again.

If a politician-lawyer, a plain housewife, a military officer, an actor and an economist can’t turn this country around, maybe a champion boxer can.


Pacquiao and his idiotic anti-RH bill stand

Eight-division world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao may be a brilliant strategist inside the ring, but does it mean that because he is a congressman now, that he possesses the same acumen when it comes to the floor of Congress and be able to convey and convince people that he is also that good?

Such is his idiotic anti-Reproductive Health (RH) stand.

I am not belittling Pacquiao’s educational attainment for it has been shown that he is trying to improve it and, as it is, he is even doing better compared to those who have been sitting in the House for a long time.

Pacquiao has a lot of common sense, but where he is now, common sense alone will not make you win fights. Not even when one has a lot of chutzpah!

I understand the peoples champ’s religiosity. You can see it not only every time he climbs the ring, but in every occasion he has to go to church, you can see his sincerity and passion of his devotion to God. To God goes the glory for his successes.

Is anything wrong with that? Absolutely nothing!

But, the RH bill is not about ones religiosity. It is about information and education, health and well-being, responsibility and accountability, prerogative and freedom, of couples wanting to have a better quality family life.

It is about giving a valid and educated argument devoid of any religious connotation that will fully convince people whether or not the RH bill shall be passed into law.

Referring to the bible as the sole answer to the country’s population woes is bad enough. Misquoting it is worse for it not only shows ones ignorance, but it makes ones reasoning simplistic and unintelligent in its entirety.

Pacquiao should understand his limitations and should refrain from debates or verbal tussles he is surely to lose because of his lack of understanding of the subject.

It will do him good to heed Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago’s advice not to get involve and not be used by the Church in the heated RH bill issue.

The Manny Pacquiao magic

Manny Pacquiao with Paris Hilton at post Pacquiao-Mosley fight

Every time Manny Pacquiao fights, the country comes to a standstill to watch and the boxing fans all over the world gets agog over the event and for a reason. He gives all what it takes to make every bout an interesting one and something to talk about.

Whether he wins by unanimous decision or by a knock-out, there is always a tale to be told about it.

Every win always endears him more to the boxing fanatics all over the world.

The Manny Pacquiao magic is nothing, but his mastery of the art of boxing.

He can slug it out if he wanted to, but he chooses the art of boxing for it is not sheer brute force that makes you win the contest, but it is the display of all the sum of a boxer’s workout that tilts the scale to his favor with his developed boxing prowess.

It is Pacquiao’s dedication, diligence, discipline and determination that has made him what he is today, but most of all it his ability to listen and follow the instructions of his coach Freddie Roach and other trainers that has propelled him to greater heights.

From his humble beginnings to being declared one of the greatest boxers and athlete of all times is simply awe-inspiring.

Ever since Manny Pacquiao became a household name in boxing he has become a world attraction and a certified box office hit due to his tremendous drawing power.

Anything that has name in it sells.

His charm has even captivated Paris Hilton that he was able to hold her close to him after his fight with Sugar Shane Mosley.

That is how far Manny Pacquiao’s magic has gone.

Sen. Manny Villar’s disastrous political alliances

For a presidential candidate, Sen. Manny Villar’s rags to riches story should inspire and uplift people from all walks of life, especially in these times of economic woes and downfalls.

Villar’s presidential ambitions, coming from humble beginnings, should, perhaps, instigate mass movement of support from Filipinos who wants to see this country finally move forward and be respected by other nations, for it shows how ones determination, confidence, and perseverance can make things happen.

It is about time we get to have a leader who can become a good president.

One is never born a good president. But, Sen. Villar has already what it takes to become a good president because of the hard work he has done, the skills he has acquired and honed, and the achievements he has gained both in private practice and in politics.

Undeniably, Sen. Villar has made effective decisions to make him successful and this has set well to be where he is now. Right?


When the nation needed Villar to be his usual brilliant self, he commits a boo-boo by showing the people how far he would go just so he could be assured of the support of popular world  boxing champion Manny Pacquiao to buoy up his presidential quest.

Has Manny Villar lost his poise and self-belief?

What is even worse and definitely eroding his conviction as a presidential candidate is his alliance with the Marcoses.

The Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) which the dictator Marcos founded and is now headed by his son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., has entered into a coalition with Villar’s NP. Bongbong is running for senator under the NP in the 2010 elections.

But, what is harder to swallow is Mrs. Imelda Marcos’ espousal of Villar’s candidacy that is hinged, perhaps, on her strong belief that if Villar becomes president, the remains of her husband, which continue to lie in a refrigerated crypt in the Marcos mausoleum in Batac, Ilocos, will finally be accorded a hero’s burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

If this is an unspoken promise by Villar to the Marcoses, then this is a great disservice to the nation and for the people who suffered terrible anxiety and pain under the dictator. This action may eventually end Villar’s success story.

It is not yet late for Sen. Villar to review his disastrous political alliances.

Out of it, he could yet be a formidable presidential bet in 2010 elections.

Manny Villar’s desperate acts

The Nacionalista Party has formally welcomed Manny Pacquiao to their fold.

This is the party where the improbable and the inconceivable are imaginable and likely to happen now.

We have a world boxing champion who thinks the only way to lick poverty is by running for political office. Whether or not he is aware of his limitations as a lawmaker, the sad thing is that almost all Filipinos know that he is only being used and manipulated for his fame and wealth by desperate politicians and opportunists.

If only Pacquiao realizes how much more he can do to helping uplift the impoverished among us, outside of politics, am sure he will experience a more fulfilling job and life ahead, after he hangs up his gloves.

Politics will only bring Pacquiao ridicule and damnation.

Presidential candidate Sen. Manny Villar hounded Pacquiao all the way to the U.S. before the latter’s fight against Cotto.

In desperation Villar opted for popularity over competence to prop him up in the 2010 elections.

Another unthinkable is the case of Rep. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., a namesake of the despot who violated every right we had for nearly 20 years, who is now back in the limelight more than ever, joining the party his father catapulted to from the Liberal Party, that eventually brought him the presidency.

But, that is not what is remarkable. What is astonishing is that the leftists who fought tooth and nail against the dictator are now in the same platform with the dictator’s son! Gone are the harsh words that pilloried the Marcoses before. What used to be words vilifying the family have now turned into complimenting words.

No wonder, we, as people, are being described as having short memory.