Hackers post Mr. Bean photo in place of look-alike Spanish Prime Minister

Hackers posted a smiling photo of Mr. Bean, the TV and movie character played by actor Rowan Atkinson, on Spain’s official government website replacing a photo of the country’s prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

According to newspaper El Mundo, Mr. Bean appeared on the official webpage as Zapatero greeting the visitors to the site with a cheerful “Hi there!”

An official at Mr. Zapatero’s office confirmed a security breach had affected the page specifically set up to mark Spain’s six-month presidency of the European Union.

“The alleged attack exploited a vulnerability called cross-site scripting,” it said. This happens when a screenshot of the homepage is taken to make a photo mosaic.

Apparently, the close resemblance between Spain’s prime minister and the TV’s bumbling comedy buffoon has been a running joke in the country for years now.