Additional terracotta warriors found

It looks like the world has not seen the last of it yet.

Am talking about the life size terracotta warriors discovered by accident when farmers drilled a well near the vast tomb of Qin Shihuang, China’s first emperor, in northeastern Shaanxi Province.

Recently, Chinese archaeologists have unearthed additional number of new clay warriors and clay horses in their latest round of excavations.

Prior to the new discovery, there have been over 1000 of these terracottas unearthed between 1978 and 1984, and it is estimated that there around 8000 of these life size figures surrounding the ancient tomb of the emperor.

China’s terracotta army is considered the “eighth wonder of the world.” They were created over 2,000 years ago,supposedly, to protect the tomb of Emperor Shihuang (259-210 BC).