French ‘spiderman’ to climb world’s tallest building

Alain Robert, more know as the French ‘spiderman’ for his daring climbs, now plans to scale Burj Khalifa, the tallest building of the world at 828-metre (2,717-foot) in Dubai.

“My biggest fear is to waste my time on earth. For me, climbing is as important as eating and breathing. Climbing skyscrapers is my lifetime love and passion” Robert said.

He showed his apprehension, however, about climbing the Dubai tower because of the Middle Eastern heat.

“The problem in Dubai is the hot weather (of) up to 40 degrees (Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit),” he said.

Robert, who first climbed his eight-floor apartment at 12 years of age after forgetting his keys, has since scaled more than 100 giant building across the globe with bare hands and shoes.

His famous climbs include the Petronas Twin Towers, Taiwan’s Taipei 101, the Eiffel Tower in France, the Empire State building in New York and the Sears Tower in Chicago