Acclaimed sin cities of Asia

Easter Sunday has barely passed glorifying the resurrection and salvation of man and here we are again talking about indulges of sin by man and where it can be found in Asia.

But, then what is new for man, but go back to the old ways, for it is the most natural thing to do.

The seven evils enumerated below are the reason why these acclaimed sin cities exist.

  1. Gluttony : Taipei, Taiwan has everything to offer to make one commit this sin. The city is said to have 18 streets dedicated to nothing other than food with prices running around US$1-2 per selection.
  2. Indolence: Seoul, South Korea has been ranked the 15th laziest country in the world by The Daily Beast. It also makes them number 1 in Asia. Seoul’s digital technology and addiction for computer games and videos like those of Hordes of Orcs has made their citizens practically glued to their seat and if not for hunger and the call of nature, nothing would make them move.
  3. Pride: Manila, Philippines male citizens, according to study from Synovate, a global market research company, are the most narcissistic in Asia. A big number of Filipinos, 48 percent, think of themselves as sexually attractive compared to Singapore’s 25 percent, China’s 17 percent and Hong Kong’s 12 percent. Not only that. Survey also showed that 9 out of 10 Filipinos say they like to look good for themselves and not for anyone else. (Whoa! What’s happening here? Is this the effect of eating too much chicken?)
  4. Greed: Shenzhen, China is one of the fastest growing cities in the world with a reported Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US $42 billion. While everybody else was reeling from the economic crisis, the city kept on pumping out billions of dollars of high-tech products. This is the place where one can find a million millionaires and still counting!
  5. Lust: Tokyo, Japan is known for its sex industry estimated at US $30 billion, second only to the country’s car industry. Tokyo delivers whatever tickles your fancy or your erotic imagination, they say. Tokyo is like a dirty old man in a teenager’s body.
  6. Envy: New Delhi, India has, reportedly, the worst case of pasture-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome. According to the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, more Indians emigrated in 2010 than any other nationality except for Mexicans.
  7. Anger: Pyongyang, North Korea leadership can’t seem to have peace with their South Korean neighbor. They are forever pugnacious, belligerent and quarrelsome. They have no qualms sinking ships and shelling neighboring islands. They want their emaciated people to believe of the “invincible power” of their army and the strength of their nuclear capability. As if all these rhetoric could substitute for the scarcity of food.