The elderly, dementia and sex


I am writing about this because of a report made by Australian authors from the Australian Centre for Evidence-Based Aged Care that was published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, saying, that care centers deny elderly people the right to sex.

I would like to believe that this is well studied and, so, woe to the old people committed to a care center when he/she is still very much aware of his/her sex urges.

“The formation of relationships, physical intimacy and the expression of sexuality are a basic human right and a normal and healthy part of aging,” wrote the authors.

Yet, according to them, most facilities do not have formal policy guidelines or staff training aimed at allowing residents to continue being sexually active.

Perhaps, the problem lies in the fact that, normally, when an elderly is entrusted to a care center it is because he/she is perceived to be afflicted with dementia already, even if it is just normal forgetfulness or memory loss due to aging. Truth, however, is that memory loss is a common symptom of dementia. It is said that people with dementia have serious problems with two or more brain functions, such as memory and language.

But, more than anything, the primary concern for being transferred to a care center is so the fast aging person could have better and/or special care, which none of the relative can offer.

“Clearly there is a significant difference between the capabilities of a person with mild dementia and one with advanced or final-stage dementia and, therefore, a single approach to sexuality and ‘people with dementia’ is inappropriate,” the authors opined.

Indeed, it is cruelty for someone, who, even if afflicted with occasional memory lapses, but is still sexually active, to be lump with a group who has already forgotten what the thing is for, much less remember the pleasure of having sex.

For the elderly, therefore, dementia and sex is relative, as it is also a reality.

One would wish that care centers would consider the importance, nay, the necessity, of having a facility that offers gradual transition for the older people to enjoy sex, while they can, and until the time when both – the mind and the urge – have completely gone.


Acclaimed sin cities of Asia

Easter Sunday has barely passed glorifying the resurrection and salvation of man and here we are again talking about indulges of sin by man and where it can be found in Asia.

But, then what is new for man, but go back to the old ways, for it is the most natural thing to do.

The seven evils enumerated below are the reason why these acclaimed sin cities exist.

  1. Gluttony : Taipei, Taiwan has everything to offer to make one commit this sin. The city is said to have 18 streets dedicated to nothing other than food with prices running around US$1-2 per selection.
  2. Indolence: Seoul, South Korea has been ranked the 15th laziest country in the world by The Daily Beast. It also makes them number 1 in Asia. Seoul’s digital technology and addiction for computer games and videos like those of Hordes of Orcs has made their citizens practically glued to their seat and if not for hunger and the call of nature, nothing would make them move.
  3. Pride: Manila, Philippines male citizens, according to study from Synovate, a global market research company, are the most narcissistic in Asia. A big number of Filipinos, 48 percent, think of themselves as sexually attractive compared to Singapore’s 25 percent, China’s 17 percent and Hong Kong’s 12 percent. Not only that. Survey also showed that 9 out of 10 Filipinos say they like to look good for themselves and not for anyone else. (Whoa! What’s happening here? Is this the effect of eating too much chicken?)
  4. Greed: Shenzhen, China is one of the fastest growing cities in the world with a reported Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US $42 billion. While everybody else was reeling from the economic crisis, the city kept on pumping out billions of dollars of high-tech products. This is the place where one can find a million millionaires and still counting!
  5. Lust: Tokyo, Japan is known for its sex industry estimated at US $30 billion, second only to the country’s car industry. Tokyo delivers whatever tickles your fancy or your erotic imagination, they say. Tokyo is like a dirty old man in a teenager’s body.
  6. Envy: New Delhi, India has, reportedly, the worst case of pasture-is-greener-on-the-other-side syndrome. According to the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, more Indians emigrated in 2010 than any other nationality except for Mexicans.
  7. Anger: Pyongyang, North Korea leadership can’t seem to have peace with their South Korean neighbor. They are forever pugnacious, belligerent and quarrelsome. They have no qualms sinking ships and shelling neighboring islands. They want their emaciated people to believe of the “invincible power” of their army and the strength of their nuclear capability. As if all these rhetoric could substitute for the scarcity of food.

Women attracted to men with long ring finger

This is good news for men belonging to this category.

If it won’t boost their ego, at least they are now aware that this is so.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not writing this based on experience.

But, researchers in the University of Geneva have found out that men with ring fingers longer than their index fingers are more likely to be considered attractive by women.

How about that!

The study, published in the British Royal Society’s journal Biological Sciences, said it discovered intricate links between fetal exposure of males to hormones, the development of certain physical traits, and what turns on the opposite sex.

This recent discovery simply confirms earlier study which has already shown that the size ratio between the fourth and second fingers,  is a reliable indicator of the extent a man was exposed to testosterone while still in the womb.

For the new study, scientists led by Camille Ferdenzi designed an experiment to find out if women are drawn to the telltale signs of high testosterone levels in men — a symmetrical face, a deeper voice, a particular body odor, and the presence of what she called a “masculine” finger configuration.

A visual test was conducted also where more than 80 women university students between 18 and 34 were made to look at pictures of 49 similarly aged men, and asked to evaluate them for masculinity and attractiveness.

According to Ferdenzi, the results were obvious, saying, “The longer the ring finger compared to the index — that is, the greater the exposure to testosterone — the more attractive the face was rated.”

Absolutely wonderful for the long ring-fingered men! Right? Wrong!

Other studies have also proven that the ring-index finger ratio, tied to high level of testosterone exposure, is a useful indicator for gauging the risk of prostate cancer, likewise tied to high levels of testosterone.

It showed that the chances of developing the disease drop by a third in men whose index finger is longer than their ring finger.

The caveat? Let’s not get too ecstatic about having a long ring finger. If they find out, thank your stars! But, don’t start bragging about it. It won’t get you nowhere.

Some weird news

Rodell Vereen

Been writing serious articles lately that I would like to change gear and slow down a little and write about a couple of weird news I have come across lately. These make me wonder what the hell is going on.

First, there is this black, South Carolina man by the name of Rodell Vereen, who is officially registered as ‘sex’ offender.

You would probably think that Vereen was convicted of crimes involving sex with women, right?  Wrong!

Vereen pleaded guilty to having sex with a horse, not once, but twice, the scumbag!

He was released on probation the first time he committed the offense, but despite the provision that he keeps his distance from the horse, the pervert returned to the scene of crime and this time he was caught with his pants down by the stable’s surveillance camera.

The horse’s owner said she feared he had returned because her horse was acting strange. She also noticed dirt and hay piled up near the horse’s stall.

Vereen said he wasn’t taking his medicine for schizophrenia when he went to the stables and promised to keep taking his medicine when he got out of prison.

Helen B. Staudinger

Another weird story is about this 92-year old woman from Marion County, Florida, who has been reported to have opened fire on her neighbor’s home for denying her a kiss! Holy cow!

For not indulging granny Helen B. Staudinger a kiss, Dwight Bettner, a neighbor, got hit with shards of glass after the 5-foot, 100-pound nonagenarian fired four rounds into his residence with a semi-automatic handgun.

Bettner admitted he helped his elderly neighbor run an errand and once gave her a peck on the cheek “trying to be nice to her,” but he said he has always rejected her advances.

It seemed like Staudinger wasn’t only mad because she was not given a kiss, but she was also angry at her neighbor because of his “lies” and because he had not been “paying his way” when they went out to eat.

Not only was Helen charged with aggravated assault, but was also ordered by the judge to keep her distance from Dwight.

Bottom line: Both offenders have to keep away from their poor victims!

Two Pinoys made list of most inspiring people

Rep. Janette L. Guarin

The Catholic Church in the Philippines may surely frown on this distinction achieved by two Pinoys, but this is a victory for the Filipino womenfolk.

It has been reported by a New York-based international women’s advocacy group called Women Deliver that it has included House Deputy Majority Leader Janette Lorento Garin and Sr. Mary John Mananzan in the list of 100 most inspiring people in the service of girls and women. They ranked 28th and 59th, respectively.

The website of Women Deliver had this to say: “This list recognizes women and men, both prominent and lesser known, who have committed themselves to improving the lives of girls and women around the world.”

Rep. Garin of Iloilo, who is a doctor by profession, was acknowledged for co-authoring the passage of the Reproductive Health Care and Population Development (RH) bill into law.

“In this deeply Catholic country, where opposition to family planning and sex education runs strong, and 11 women die each day of preventable causes related to pregnancy or childbirth, Garin’s RH bill would, for the first time, provide universal access to family planning methods as well as comprehensive sex education in schools,” Women Deliver said.

Sr. Mary John Mananzan

On the other hand, the advocacy group cited Sr. Mary John Mananzan for being “instrumental in developing a feminist and a third-world theology within the Catholic Church, criticizing the Church for being hierarchical and male-dominated. In her writing, she has highlighted the particular oppression of third world women through violence and gender discrimination.”

“In her groundbreaking career, Mananzan has worked to empower women and to combat injustice and oppression wherever she finds it – whether within the political system, or at the hands of the church,” the advocacy group added.

This heart warming news does not only come as an added boost for those wanting the freedom to embrace the RH bill for the sake of the family, but also to let the religious leaders reflect rightly that the well being of the country and its people is an affair of the state and not of the church.

Popularity of RH bill should be accepted by the Church


The popularity of the RH bill in the recent Pulse Asia survey, where it showed that 69 percent of Filipinos favored responsible parenthood, should not be interpreted as win-loss situation for the state and church, respectively.

Rather, it should be construed as recognition by the state of the dire need to curve the country’s burgeoning population which is being supported by the people and which feelings and beliefs should be accepted by the church.

Responsible parenthood, which is the essence of the RH bill, is simply giving the Filipino people the right to be informed and disciplined and the freedom to choose what birth control measures to adopt in raising a family.

The church should not condemn the survey nor continue to put a wedge between government and the populace putting them asunder for reason of religious beliefs and teachings.

Where there is government to help and be importantly instrumental in improving health, well being, and lives of people, in general, then let them exercise it to the fullest for it is what they are mandated to do and we can only be appreciative of it.

Where there is government that acts on things and issues beneficial to the country and its people, such as the RH bill, allow them to pursue it and prove they are going in the right direction.

There are so many evils in this world that are destroying lives and alienating people from God. There are so many homeless children roaming around, so many broken homes, so much hatred and much love lost. This is where the church servants should make their presence felt.

Family planning measures is in the realm of experts belonging to the state.

It could never be under the jurisdiction of the church.

Senator chides DOH officials on contraceptives

I do not understand why, in God’s name, Senator Vicente Sotto thinks the burgeoning population in this country is fiction rather than reality. He describes it as mere “myth.”

How could it be a myth when in the 1950 statistics both countries, the Philippines and Thailand, had a population of 20 million.

Now 60 years after, the Philippines has a population of 94 million and Thailand, 67 million!

If this won’t jolt the comedy-actor cum senator of the realm, I don’t know what will. For sure this disparity of having 27 million more is not a laughing matter. On the contrary, it should be taken seriously as we can see now how far up Thailand has gone and how far down we have retrogressed.

During those times, a comparison of population growth was made for the Philippines and Thailand. A family planning method was developed in similar stages that saw Thailand following it strictly and ‘religiously.’

Unfortunately, the Philippines did not, as the Church, even then, had always the propensity to harass and intimidate the political leaders and the faithful, making the politicians abnegate that which runs counter to the religious teachings and beliefs.

And so it was that after the experiment some years later, with Thailand having a contraceptive use rate of about 65% and total fertility of 2.1, it was recorded that Thailand had a population of 57 million, while the Philippines had 7.4 million more people.

On top of this discouraging reality was that the economic development of Thailand had gone by leaps and bounds, leaving us far behind in our turtle-pace economic growth.

Even Vietnam, another ASEAN country, which has been devastated by war in the late 60s, is fast catching up with us.

And so my question to Senator Sotto is: Haven’t we learned our lessons yet?

That economic development is tied up with population control can never be an argument, for it is true.

When population growth is outpacing economic growth by long strides there could never be progress in this country.

Let us not put our self-interests and false beliefs ahead of what is good for this country. Our unfortunate countrymen who are impoverished deserve a break and it is only government that could make a welcome difference in their lives.

Senator Sotto and company should seize this moment and show compassion and backbone in supporting President Aquino’s government in its sincere and humanitarian drive in uplifting the lives of the poor in terms of responsible parenthood. Instead of chiding, giving moral support to the Department of Health (DOH) officials is what is needed.

We respect the stand of the Church, but we should respect more those who are mandated to govern and look upon the welfare of the country and its people.

Dr. Cabral and her condom advocacy

Ever since Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral and her Department of Health (DoH) staff started  distributing free condoms on Valentine’s Day as part of their campaign to stem the spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), she, in particular, has become a controversial figure.

But, why would her action be considered controvertible by the Catholic hierarchy when her professional training as a doctor dictates that this move could very well prevent, if not slow down, the escalation of HIV/AIDS?

What makes the conduct of giving free condoms to the public an affront to ‘Catholic sensitivity,’ displeasing the Catholic bishops to the extent that they are mounting an assault against the government for tolerating it and venting their ire on Health Secretary Cabral whom they want kicked out of office because of the project?

Is maligning the person the prize one gets now for doing a good job for government that is of the people, by the people and for the people?

We, including the Catholic hierarchy, should be thankful to Secretary Cabral for going that extra mile in monitoring and warning the public that the present number of HIV cases had doubled in the last five years since 1984.

The state is doing right in looking after the welfare of the Filipino people.

It is about time we take the HIV/AIDS scourge seriously. Something has got to be done even if it offends the stand of the church.

If giving out of free condoms is part of the educational process about safe sex, then let it be. It won’t diminish the people’s strong belief and conviction of their Catholic faith.

Lip service by the Catholic Church about the plague will not get us anywhere. Certainly it will not arrest the increasing rate of HIV affected persons and neither does their words give an assurance of eternal salvation if they don’t use condoms.

Oral sex, stabbed wound and pregnancy

Tell me that this is not true!

It is about a bizarre story of a 15-year old girl in the small southern African nation of Lesotho who went to local doctors with the tell tale signs of pregnancy.

Upon examination, however, the doctors were all taken aback when they found out that the girl did not have a vagina.

“Inspection of the vulva showed no vagina, only a shallow skin dimple,” so doctors delivered a healthy baby boy via cesarean, the authors wrote in a case report published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

While it did not necessarily shock the attending physicians her kind of birth defect called Müllerian agenesis or Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome, what got them dumbfounded was her pregnancy.

Needless to say that even the 15-year-old girl herself could not believe she was pregnant.

What happened then?

Thorough investigation of the girls past revealed that she was admitted in the hospital 278 days earlier with a knife wound to her stomach. The average pregnancy lasts 280 days. Further verification disclosed that just before she was stabbed in the abdomen she had practiced fellatio with her new boyfriend and was caught in the act by her former lover.

The doctors have found out that the girl had an empty stomach when brought to the hospital after being stabbed. There was also little stomach acid around at the time she got stabbed which wound reach up to her abdominal cavity.

It has been theorized that what happened next, after doctors washed her stomach out with a salt solution and stitched her up, is that spermatozoa gained access to the reproductive organ via the injured gastrointestinal tract and, thus, the pregnancy.


I could only salute to the swimming ability, if not the tenacity, of the sperm!

Eat pork and enjoy sex

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has said that eating pork is as effective as popping a Viagra pill to spice up sex life.

Fernandez related her experience of eating some roasted pork over the weekend with her husband, former president Nestor Kirchner, at the couple’s retreat in Argentina’s bucolic southern Patagonia region, with “impressive” results.

“It went very well that weekend, so it could well be true,” she said.

The sexy talk on pork was aimed at expanding the protein horizons of Argentina’s staunch beef-loving public.

Fernandez approved subsidies to keep the price of pork low despite inflation, and her government has also recently subsidized red meat producers after beef supplies sharply declined in the South American country.

The head of the association of pork producers, Juan Luis Uccelli, supported Fernandez’s speech by saying that Denmark and Japan have a much more “harmonious” sexual life than the Argentines because they eat a lot of pig meat.