Madrigal’s profound hatred of Villar

Would Senator Jamby Madrigal have entered the presidential race if Senator Manny Villar himself was not a candidate?

Personally, I would like to think that Madrigal’s profound hatred of Villar is what is making her run full gear and hound him if only to thwart Villar’s presidential ambition and diminish his chances of winning.

Perhaps Madrigal feels that this is about the best opportunity she has, like going around the country, to unmask Villar and present him to the Filipino people the real malevolent person that he is.

It will be remembered that Madrigal was part of the Senate committee of the whole which recommended the censure of Villar for alleged unethical conduct in connection with the C-5 road extension project controversy that benefited his real estate business at the expense of the government.

On this particular issue alone, Jamby has been resolute in her crusade against Villar, whom she called “corrupt” and an “evil candidate.”

What is favoring Jamby’s pernicious attack at Villar is the fact that other presidential candidates are also having the same ax to grind against Villar.

The C-5 road extension project controversy must be one ugly and rotten deal making it the capstone of Villar’s business empire at the expence of government.

One can’t help but wonder what it would be like if Villar is installed on the seat of political power in Malacañang? Would it be sky is the limit in terms of shenanigans, God forbids?

Undeniably, there is also some eccentricity shown in Jamby Madrigal’s personality. But, in an issue where other political opponents are painting the same negative picture of Villar, Jamby’s cry in not allowing the same person to hurt further the country and its people is a gesture of a concerned normal person that has to be appreciated and seriously thought about.

Jamby Madrigal maybe trailing behind in the presidential race, but she is doing the citizens a great favor by helping them identify who among the leading presidential aspirants is lesser evil.

Villar: The man who never was

It displeases me no end to know that for one who badly wants to be president, as if it was his destiny to become one, Sen. Manny Villar has to fabricate a myth about his past so he could be seen as a symbol of the poor and the oppressed.

It annoys me profoundly that all these times, Villar has had the chutzpah to ‘martyrize’ himself so people may relate and empathize with him just so he could win the votes of the poor and the underprivileged that comprises the majority of the country’s population.

Remember Villar’s “Akala mo Conyo, yon pala  laking Tondo” jingle that carried a racial undertone against insular Spaniards or ‘mestizos’ of Spanish descent? For a man claiming to have had humble beginnings, he was not showing humility and sense of propriety.

Villar’s ‘Sipag at Tiyaga’ political battle cry may be a legitimate one for if one does not have the capacity to be industrious and learn to persevere, it would have been impossible for him to have what he has and to be where he is now.

But to be unmasked, at the most critical point of his presidential aspiration, that Manny Villar has just been deceiving and misleading the people into believing that he grew up wallowing in poverty amid a sea of garbage, is a revelation that is God-sent which we should all be thankful for.

To be further blatantly exposed that Villar’s assertion of being dirt poor was the reason why his brother died at an early age is nothing but pure fantasia trying to play at the sympathy chords of the people in order for him to win the presidency.

Either Manny Villar is taking us, Filipinos,for a ride and making us for suckers or this is really, truly his nature of defrauding and fleecing us, this time, of our votes.

We can only thank the concerned citizen who has bravely come out in the open and showed proofs so people may know the truth. This is public service at its highest order.

Whether or not the disclosure is meant to prop up the person’s own presidential preference is immaterial.

What is important is that we have been saved, this early, from being gyp by fallacious pretenses of a man who never was, but wants to be the leader of this nation.

El Shaddai unofficially endorses Villar

It has been reported that the Catholic group El Shaddai exclusively invited presidential candidate Manny Villar and his running mate Loren Legarda when its leader, Bro. Mike Velarde, held a prayer rally in central Hongkong recently.

While Velarde disclaims that he has formally endorsed Villar’s candidacy, his actions and words were enough indication and clue where his heart belonged to, thus, undeniably signaling his flock to follow his lead.

Definitely, this is a big boost to the Nacionalista Party’s standard bearer who is said to be closing in on Noynoy Aquino’s poll survey ratings amid verbal assault that the son of democracy icon and former president Cory Aquino is an inexperienced neophyte and only has his name to boot while portraying himself as a rags-to-riches businessman and savior of beleaguered OFWs.

But, doesn’t it make you wonder why a Christian like Velarde throws in his lot behind Villar and not at his fellow Christian leader, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, of the Jesus Is Lord Movement’s political party, Bangon Pilipinas?

Doesn’t Velarde subscribe to Villanueva’s “politics of God?”

How odd it has to be that while they share the same goals in preaching practically the same religious ideals and beliefs, they, however, don’t share the same political platforms.

People know that like Villar, Velarde has also become a very wealthy man.

Perhaps the idiomatic expression we have been hearing that, “birds of the same feather flock together,” is true.

It is just as true as when we hear people say that, “politics makes strange bedfellows.”

Sen. Manny Villar’s ‘waterloo’

Whichever way you look at it, NP presidential candidate, Sen. Manny Villar, is mired in a muck that is likely to bring him even deeper every time he moves to save himself.

It is bad enough to be at the center of the C-5 road scandal being investigated by the Senate for being double-funded, overpriced and made to pass through his properties to gain more benefit, but to refuse to attend and face the Senate hearing on the controversial issue smacks of arrogance of power bad enough for a presidential candidate.

It does not even serve Villar in good stead to wrangle with the veteran politician and brilliant lawyer Juan Ponce Enrile, currently the Senate President.

Enrile, the wily politician that he is, has never had his star shone so bright and his credibility restored as when he turned his back from the dictator Marcos, as the latter’s defense secretary, and together with then AFP vice chief of staff, Fidel Ramos, joined the people power of Cory Aquino in ousting Marcos.

It is now the word of Villar against Enrile’s.

No matter how much Villar denies Enrile’s allegation that he offered Enrile “help” in return for “killing the investigation into the C-5 road scandal,” as what the latter alleges, the fact remains that Enrile’s testimonies are convincing for he has a date and a place being referred to.

Enrile even has a witness to attest that the meeting between the two them did, indeed, occur. He was referring to his chief of staff lawyer Gigi Reyes.

“He was trying to buy me off, I suppose in exchange for a very favorable decision,” Enrile said at a press conference, referring to what had reportedly transpired in a meeting with Villar at a Makati hotel in August last year.

Even in a press statement, Enrile cited Villar’s “propensity to use his billions to offer favors to people, including his colleagues, to avoid facing the charges against him.”

These are, indeed, damning statements that no matter how much effort Villar exerts to ward it off, it is simply pushing him deeper in the morass that he currently finds himself.

Villar is just no much to Enrile’s prowess.

The C-5 road public embarrassment is going to be Manny Villar’s ‘waterloo’ that may not only cost him the presidency, but most likely, will also make him quit politics for good.

Sen. Manny Villar’s disastrous political alliances

For a presidential candidate, Sen. Manny Villar’s rags to riches story should inspire and uplift people from all walks of life, especially in these times of economic woes and downfalls.

Villar’s presidential ambitions, coming from humble beginnings, should, perhaps, instigate mass movement of support from Filipinos who wants to see this country finally move forward and be respected by other nations, for it shows how ones determination, confidence, and perseverance can make things happen.

It is about time we get to have a leader who can become a good president.

One is never born a good president. But, Sen. Villar has already what it takes to become a good president because of the hard work he has done, the skills he has acquired and honed, and the achievements he has gained both in private practice and in politics.

Undeniably, Sen. Villar has made effective decisions to make him successful and this has set well to be where he is now. Right?


When the nation needed Villar to be his usual brilliant self, he commits a boo-boo by showing the people how far he would go just so he could be assured of the support of popular world  boxing champion Manny Pacquiao to buoy up his presidential quest.

Has Manny Villar lost his poise and self-belief?

What is even worse and definitely eroding his conviction as a presidential candidate is his alliance with the Marcoses.

The Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) which the dictator Marcos founded and is now headed by his son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., has entered into a coalition with Villar’s NP. Bongbong is running for senator under the NP in the 2010 elections.

But, what is harder to swallow is Mrs. Imelda Marcos’ espousal of Villar’s candidacy that is hinged, perhaps, on her strong belief that if Villar becomes president, the remains of her husband, which continue to lie in a refrigerated crypt in the Marcos mausoleum in Batac, Ilocos, will finally be accorded a hero’s burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

If this is an unspoken promise by Villar to the Marcoses, then this is a great disservice to the nation and for the people who suffered terrible anxiety and pain under the dictator. This action may eventually end Villar’s success story.

It is not yet late for Sen. Villar to review his disastrous political alliances.

Out of it, he could yet be a formidable presidential bet in 2010 elections.

Manny Villar’s desperate acts

The Nacionalista Party has formally welcomed Manny Pacquiao to their fold.

This is the party where the improbable and the inconceivable are imaginable and likely to happen now.

We have a world boxing champion who thinks the only way to lick poverty is by running for political office. Whether or not he is aware of his limitations as a lawmaker, the sad thing is that almost all Filipinos know that he is only being used and manipulated for his fame and wealth by desperate politicians and opportunists.

If only Pacquiao realizes how much more he can do to helping uplift the impoverished among us, outside of politics, am sure he will experience a more fulfilling job and life ahead, after he hangs up his gloves.

Politics will only bring Pacquiao ridicule and damnation.

Presidential candidate Sen. Manny Villar hounded Pacquiao all the way to the U.S. before the latter’s fight against Cotto.

In desperation Villar opted for popularity over competence to prop him up in the 2010 elections.

Another unthinkable is the case of Rep. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., a namesake of the despot who violated every right we had for nearly 20 years, who is now back in the limelight more than ever, joining the party his father catapulted to from the Liberal Party, that eventually brought him the presidency.

But, that is not what is remarkable. What is astonishing is that the leftists who fought tooth and nail against the dictator are now in the same platform with the dictator’s son! Gone are the harsh words that pilloried the Marcoses before. What used to be words vilifying the family have now turned into complimenting words.

No wonder, we, as people, are being described as having short memory.