Manny Villar’s desperate acts

The Nacionalista Party has formally welcomed Manny Pacquiao to their fold.

This is the party where the improbable and the inconceivable are imaginable and likely to happen now.

We have a world boxing champion who thinks the only way to lick poverty is by running for political office. Whether or not he is aware of his limitations as a lawmaker, the sad thing is that almost all Filipinos know that he is only being used and manipulated for his fame and wealth by desperate politicians and opportunists.

If only Pacquiao realizes how much more he can do to helping uplift the impoverished among us, outside of politics, am sure he will experience a more fulfilling job and life ahead, after he hangs up his gloves.

Politics will only bring Pacquiao ridicule and damnation.

Presidential candidate Sen. Manny Villar hounded Pacquiao all the way to the U.S. before the latter’s fight against Cotto.

In desperation Villar opted for popularity over competence to prop him up in the 2010 elections.

Another unthinkable is the case of Rep. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., a namesake of the despot who violated every right we had for nearly 20 years, who is now back in the limelight more than ever, joining the party his father catapulted to from the Liberal Party, that eventually brought him the presidency.

But, that is not what is remarkable. What is astonishing is that the leftists who fought tooth and nail against the dictator are now in the same platform with the dictator’s son! Gone are the harsh words that pilloried the Marcoses before. What used to be words vilifying the family have now turned into complimenting words.

No wonder, we, as people, are being described as having short memory.