Why Manny Pacquiao will continue boxing

Win or loss in the political arena, people’s champ Manny Pacquiao will, no doubt, continue his boxing career.

This is as sure as the sun rises in the east.

For those who are dismayed that politics might take away Pacquiao for good from the ring and while still in his prime, don’t get too carried away yourselves, for this won’t happen just yet.

Yes, there is money in politics, but Manny is smart enough to know that there is much, much more money in boxing for his taking.

You see, nobody will refute that Manny Pacquiao is the most intelligent fighter the world has ever seen. His being declared the pound-for-pound best boxer in the world is now unquestioned. But, other than being an intelligent boxer, Manny has the fastest hands in boxing today and his nimbleness and speed have always left every losing opponent stupefied and in awe.

Being the caliber of boxer that he is, Manny has never been a battered boxer inside the ring. Yes, the Filipino champion took some hard punches, too, from his famed opponents who, often times, are much bigger that him. But thanks to his boxing and conditioning coaches, Manny has been able to roll with the punches and withstand some tremendous blows that could have downed for good a lesser competent boxer.

Needless to say that Manny Pacquiao has never been in a situation where he was severely clobbered in the head by any of his opponents in different weight divisions, thus, threatening his boxing career, one way or the other. Yes, he got cuts, bruises, and swelling on his face every after a grueling match, but never has he been advised by a medical doctor to quit because an injury or two to the eyesight or the brains has befallen the World champ.

Being still in the best of health and in the prime of his boxing career only means that Manny Pacquiao’s boxing days are far from over.

It will not be Mommy Dionisia who will decide Manny’s fate. It will be Manny himself.

And for as long as there are still credible challengers in line wanting to take Manny’s boxing titles away for oodles of money, smart-ass and confident Pacquiao will be a fool to let a mouthwatering opportunity pass by while he thinks he still has got what it takes to win.

Like politics, boxing is about power and money. It’s hard to give up power while the money is there – awaiting.