Chameleons and the like


chameleonChameleons and other creatures like them, whether on land or under the sea, that have the ability to change colors have always intrigued me.

I thought at first that chameleons mimic their surroundings to be more effective as a predator and be more protected from one.

Apparently this is a myth.

 Light, temperature, mood and health are all reasons these slow moving lizards change colors.

Lights reflect off of them, changing their color. A chameleon will also make itself flat and dark so it can absorb more heat. During the mating process, when it feels threatened and when it’s protecting its territory, a chameleon will also change colors.

A sick chameleon will stay pale because they don’t have the energy to change color.

Whether or not the myth applies to others is something to be verified.

Nevertheless, to see further how amazing and fascinating these creatures are please click at this link:

Enjoy the videos.

Catholic Church should stop crucifixion, self-flagellation

Nothing wrong being a copycat.

People from all over the world are doing it, too.

We copy designer originals.

We mimic Lady Gaga’s outrageous costume and looks.

We imitate accents – ask any call center agents.

But, we, Filipinos, are taking our apery preposterously farther.

Every Holy Week some of our brothers put up a show looking like Christ, dressing like Christ and depicting the suffering of Christ until his ‘death’ on the cross.

As a finale, some gets as real as it can be by being nailed to the cross.

All, in the name of repentance!

Among the penitents, however, most choose self-flagellation, not because it indulges a little less suffering, for that is neither here or there.

The question is: are these practices – this grim, outward expression of compunction and atonement for sins, still acceptable and needed in this time and age?

Being the third largest Catholic country in the world, shouldn’t the leaders of the Church start preaching the real meaning of repentance and the appropriate manner by which one should make amends and do penance?

Let us stop being a nation of twisted religious beliefs. There is only one Jesus Christ who suffered and died brutally to save humanity.

Nobody should be making a travesty of His fate, for doing it means totally nothing, but a big folly.

Repentance is not about the re-enactment of Christ’s notorious suffering and painful, public death by crucifixion.

Repentance is a solemn reflection and contemplation of our faith on whether or not we have become better Christians as we age.

Either the Catholic hierarchy puts a stop to this religious chicanery that is being feasted on by busybodies from here and abroad or expect the Department of Health (DOH) to be repeating, like a broken record every Holy Week, their warning on the health risk with these kinds of superstitious practices performed by penitents, which at best is absurd and ungodly at worst.