Female diplomats now to attend to women OFWs in the Middle East

Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello exposing 'sex-to-fly' scandal

Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello exposing ‘sex-to-fly’ scandal

This move is long overdue, but at least it is being done now and for the right reasons.

I could just imagine the countless Filipinas who may have taken the risk in the past eking out a living working in unfamiliar places just so they could send money home and enduring not only the painful feeling of loneliness, but also the inhumane treatment of some of their employers.

Time and again we have read about some domestic workers gambling their future in this part of the world – the Middle East – who come home battered, scarred, crazed and times dead in boxes.

Could these hapless victims of violence and abuse by foreign employers also been victims of indifference, neglect and apathy by our own consular or embassy personnel, who are suppose to attend to their needs – urgent or otherwise?

To put it bluntly, could they have been victims of exploitation and injustice and ‘sex-to-fly’ proposition, then, as they are now, by compatriot human predators in the guise of diplomats?

Indeed, there is nothing more disgusting and deplorable than to treat Filipino workers, especially the womenfolk, with utter disregard and trickery and exploiting them when they are most vulnerable – during their dire needs – like seeking refuge at embassy shelters to abuses by their employers and wanting to go home.

The announcement, therefore, that women diplomats/officials will now be sent to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and other countries where more women OFWs are employed to attend to their needs is reassuring news.

“The decision to send in women is because there are more women overseas workers who are going to the shelters than men. The shelters are for women, not men,” a labor spokesman said.

“They (the women officials) will be able to relate more to women than men.”

I just hope that those involved in the ‘sex-to-fly’ scandal that has hit the fan now or what Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello described as “the Filipino-facilitated sexual slavery of OFW women in the region”, meaning the Middle East, are unmasked and if found guilty, put behind bars.

It is the least that justice can do to the poor victims.

New virus threatens humanity


virusBetter (to be) safe than sorry is a famous cliché, but for a virus described by Dr. Margaret Chan, World Health Organization’s (WHO) general director, as “a threat to the entire world”, I do not know how, when and where one has to be cautious.

For the moment WHO has named it Middle East respiratory symptom coronavirus or MERS-CoV, for it was first seen to have come out from Saudi Arabia. Since then it has been reported that, worldwide, there has been 26 deaths and 49 infections.

Now, with France reporting its first death from this new SARS-like coronavirus, the fatality has increased to 27.

The 65-year-old Frenchman was diagnosed with the disease after returning from a stay in Dubai.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains that coronaviruses can affect people or animals and, in worst-case scenarios, cause SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).

The disease acts like a cold and causes upper respiratory system problems. Symptoms include fever and cough and can lead to kidney failure and pneumonia.

The bad thing about this new coronavirus, according to CDC, is that there is currently no vaccine to protect against human infection.

The virus is said to have spread from the Gulf to France, Britain and Germany.

Palestine’s U.N. nonmember status makes peace more elusive

Palestinians in Ramallah, the West Bank, celebrate the U.N. General Assembly's vote to upgrade the Palestinian Authority's status.

Palestinians celebrate recognition of country as nonmember state by the U.N. General Assembly

At long last, by a vote of 138-9, the United Nations Assembly has approved, accepted and classified the displaced population of Palestine as a nonmember observer state.

The new status, which was sought by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and voted upon overwhelmingly by the 193-member assembly, recognizes Palestinian statehood without granting Palestinians any voting rights at the UN.

The only current nonmember observer state is the Vatican, which welcomed the result, saying, it reflected the majority sentiment of the international community and that the Holy See had long encouraged more global involvement to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Peace needs courageous decisions,” it said in a statement.

But, that is just an encouraging statement from nonmember state to another, which has no right to speak at U.N. General Assembly Meetings, much less participate in procedural votes and sponsor or sign resolutions.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

The recognition, however, allows the Palestinians to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), where it could file complaints with the court accusing Israel of war crimes committed in Gaza and the West Bank, including the construction of settlements in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

It has been reported that before the scheduled voting, the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries wanted assurances from Abbas that Palestine wouldn’t attempt to join the ICC, or at least wouldn’t prosecute Israeli officials. Many took Abbas’ refusal to provide such guarantees as an indication that Palestine intends to haul Israelis before the criminal court, ratcheting up international pressure against them.

Now, is this a good recipe for peace in the Middle East?

The United States and Israel voted against the upgrade, calling it an “obstacle” to building lasting peace between Palestine and Israel.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the vote “unfortunate and counterproductive.”

One would like to think that as the Palestinians are rejoicing and firing in the air in celebration over their country’s recognition and upgraded status, that peace between Israel and Palestine is not far behind.

Based on observation and comments by parties concerned, it seems like either the U.N. assembly made a collective colossal blunder or suffering and death will just intensify because of the imprudent thoughts and actions by the majority of the assembly members.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in Jerusalem: “The decision at the United Nations won’t change anything on the ground.” He added, “It won’t promote the establishment of a Palestinian state; it will distance it.

“Israel’s hand is always extended in peace, but a Palestinian state will not be established without (a Palestinian) recognition of the State of Israel as the Jewish people’s state,” Netanyahu said.

That is the key – not isolating Israel, but rather recognizing it as the Jewish people’s state and that could only be achieve through direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians and not via a symbolic vote at the UN General Assembly that would only make peace as elusive as ever and the situation more hellish than it already is.

Low-budget film that stoked Muslim outrage


Muslim outrage against America’s anti-Islamic film

Whoever produced the film, ‘Innocence of Muslims’, that caused mayhem in the Middle East, including the death of the of U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans, didn’t think well of the consequences of their work.

Or perhaps they did, but being American producers, they probably thought they could get away with it, while invoking the freedom of expression, and to hell with the rest of the world.

It was bad enough that the low-budget film has been promoted by Pastor Terry Jones, he, who has sparked deadly protests in the past by burning copies of the Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2010.

But, what made it worst is that the film was posted on YouTube for everybody to see, in both English and dubbed-Arabic languages.

While many criticized the movie as amateurishly and cheaply done, technically laughable and full of crap, to the Muslim world any portrayal and anything said about their revered prophet Mohammad that contradicts what he truly is, automatically becomes an anti-Islamic episode.

How could it not provoke outrage and riot when the film denigrates Islam’s holiest prophet, as a thuggish womanizer, and Muslims as homosexuals, child molesters and madmen, among other things?

While it may be true that only those belonging to the group of Islamic extremists have reacted violently to what they may have perceived as an incendiary flick, yet that does not give anybody the right to disrespect and be insensitive to the feelings of others, especially when it comes to religious beliefs.

But it doesn’t mean to say that the non-Islamic extremists didn’t feel enraged by the movie. Only, they showed more self-restraint, were more circumspect and more tolerant to the ignorance and bigotry of some Americans.

It is this kind of insensitivity, ignorance and bigotry that place Western diplomats in the Middle East, including Libya, in harms way, as what has happened with the irresponsible and catastrophic showing of the film, ‘Innocence of Muslims.’

Attached video will show how the outrage is better described by one who professes the Muslim religion.

Israel itching for neutralizing nuclear Iran

Iran’s Shahab-3 missile

With Syria crumbling, Egypt experiencing a chaotic post-Mubarak regime, and as the Arab Spring continues to be an inspiration for freedom from despotic leaders in the Middle East, the Jewish state of Israel has all the reason to remain anxious of its existence.

But more than the rebellion displayed by people against oppressive government, and whether or not the end result will allow them to have peace and co-exist with Israel in the region, what has racheted up the Israeli government’s concern for safety, defense, and survival as a nation and people is the relentless development of Iran’s nuclear armament, despite the call for restraint and abandonment of their nuclear program by the international community, specifically the U.S.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a public warning that Tehran must not be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb. Netanyahu has declared that “all the threats currently being directed against the Israeli home front are dwarfed by another threat, different in scope, different in substance.”

This, after an unidentified source stated that new intelligence obtained by Israel, the United States and other Western showed that Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon is progressing far beyond the scope reported by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Tehran is said to have made significant progress towards assembling a nuclear warhead for a Shahab-3 missile, which has a range of nearly 1,000 miles, putting the whole of Israel, including the Dimona nuclear reactor in the southern Negev desert, within the Islamic republic’s range.

It is for this reason that Danny Ayalon, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, called on the Western powers to declare that the negotiations with Iran, conducted by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, had failed.

Not wanting to jeopardize his chances of winning re-election in November, President Barack Obama is suggesting for more time for international diplomacy to succeed and in fact Washington has been saying that the U.S. had “eyes” and “visibility” inside Iran’s nuclear program and would know if Tehran made a “breakout” towards a nuclear weapon.

Breakout capability is commonly understood to be the point when a state acquires the knowledge, capability and materials to build a nuclear bomb if it wants to.

Israel, however, can’t seem to wait in any longer. Pressure is building in Israel to take action, this, after the Jewish state has reportedly invested billions in home-front defense, and holding emergency drills, alluding to a military exercise being held in cities across Israel to test a text message warning system against missile strikes.

Because of difference in perception between the US and Israel as to what constitute an unacceptable threat, Israel may decide to draw the first blood and neutralize Iran before it is too late.

After Gaddafi, will Syria’s Assad be next?


Syria strongman Bashar al Assad and Libya's dead tyrant

One can’t help but wonder how Syria’s strongman Bashar al Assad viewed Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal ending?

Being birds of the same feather, has Gaddafi’s savage and gruesome death taught Assad a lesson; enlightened him to change gear, slow down and start listening to the moans and groans of the Syrian people instead of recklessly running them over with his tanks and cutting them up with bullets?

The turmoil in Syria, which is still a product of the continuing Arab revolution that has claimed success in deposing Libya’s mad dog, has the signs that could go just as bad as it went in Libya.

But what is feared by world leaders is that with Syria’s central geographical location in the Middle East, a Libya-like revolution may easily beget uprisings in the neighboring countries of Jordan and Saudi Arabia and may embroil even Turkey. This is the last thing that Washington and its allies want to see happening in this part of the world.

The West and the NATO forces were emboldened to help the rebels in Libya because no prominent world leader or nation was siding with the tyrant Gaddafi, not even by any member of the Arab league.

It is said that there never was a great filial loyalty among leaders of North Africa and the Levant towards the disgraced and dead Libyan leader. Gaddafi had consistently lampooned the Arab League and occasionally even plotted against its kings and presidents.

Another thing that makes the Syria situation different from Libya is the unconditional support Assad and his Syrian government is getting from Iran. Between hardliner President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the world is anxious and at the same time cautious while watching what this rouge, predominantly Shi’ite nation is up to.

It must be remembered that the Assad family is from the Alawite community, which makes up about 10% of the country’s population. He has ruled by putting Alawites in the top levels of the country’s security services and armed forces.

A Shi’ite branch of Islam, the Alawites is said to have relied heavily on Iranian military equipment and training to maintain their grip on power.

This is the reason why Assad feels untouchable and has decided instead to dig his heels and put a tougher stance for his autocratic government by using tanks, snipers and gangster-like hired gunmen known as “shabiha” to silence the opposition rather than meet the demands of a population that wants him to step down.

What is energizing Assad further is the fact that Syrian opposition leaders have not called for an armed uprising and have for the most part opposed foreign intervention.

“Mad dog” Gaddafi killed like a mad dog


A bullet hole in the head ended the 'Mad Dog's' life.

He was brutal as he was merciless, vicious as he was heartless, but at the end, like a mad dog cornered inside a sewer pipe, he was captured alive, and savagely killed, too, after which his bloodied body was dragged through the streets of his home city of Sirte to the sound of celebratory gunfire and jubilant shouts.

Thus, ended the life of a man known as ‘Mad Dog,’ who, for four decades not only turned the oil-rich country of Libya into his own personal fiefdom, but ruled it with impunity – oppressing his people, hanging his opponents in public squares and sponsoring terrorism abroad.

The tyrant’s shocking ending came after he and loyalist fighters tried to flee Sirte in a convoy of up to 100 vehicles, as the forces of the National Transitional Council (NTC) was embarking on its last and final assault at the place thought to be the last bastion of resistance after eight months of civil war.

The attempted escape was spotted by NATO which launched two devastating strikes. At least 50 loyalist fighters were killed. Among the wounded was Gaddafi, who, together with some bodyguards, limped his way to a concrete sewer.

He was, however, located by the rebel soldiers and despite pleas for understanding and mercy, Gaddafi has been seen to be manhandled and said to

From a bulletproof tent to a defenseless sewer where the 'Mad Dog' was found hiding.

have been shot in the head by his own bodyguard to spare him the indignity of being captured. Though this claim is still verifiable, most likely, however, the bullet must have come from a rebel’s gun.

In retrospect, the end of Gaddafi’s strongman rule had come when he turned his guns on protesters warning them ‘no mercy, no pity,’ and that they will be hunted down ‘alley by alley, house by house and room by room.’ When he finally sent his army to cleanse Benghazi, the Western powers and NATO decided to open up a campaign of aerial bombing that allowed rebel forces eventually to oust him.

His was part of the ‘Arab Spring’ wave of popular uprisings that have swept the Middle East, demanding the end of autocratic rulers and the establishment of greater democracy.

Among the Arab leaders, Gaddafi stands out as the flaky or goofy of them all and it is only fitting to innumerate here  the things he did, had, or liked, that made him a first class weirdo. This is a re-print of an article taken from Yahoo News Philippines.

1. The “Bulletproof” Tent: When Gaddafi was at home in Tripoli, he lived in a well fortified compound with a complex system of escape tunnels. But when he travelled abroad, this “Bedouin” brought a bit of the desert with him, camping out in the world’s capitals. The tent was so heavy it needed to be flown on a separate plane, wherever the dictator travelled. To complete the Arabian Nights theme, Gaddafi often would tether a camel or two outside.

2. All-Female Virgin Bodyguard Retinue: They apparently weren’t around when Gaddafi needed them most on Thursday, but the eccentric dictator was historically protected by 40 well trained bodyguards – all of them women. The bodyguards, called “Amazons,” were all reportedly virgins who took a vow of chastity upon joining the dictator’s retinue. The women, trained at an all-female military academy, were handpicked by Gaddafi. They wore elaborate uniforms, as well as makeup and high-heeled combat boots.

3. His “Voluptuous” Ukrainian Nurse: For a decade, Galyna Kolotnytska, a Ukrainian nurse often described in the press as “voluptuous,” was regularly seen at the dictator’s side. Kolotnytska was described in a leaked diplomatic cable as one of Gaddafi’s closest aides and was rumored to have a romantic relationship with him. Several other Ukrainian women served as nurses and they all referred to him as “Papa” or “Daddy.”

4. Crush on Condoleezza Rice: In 2007, Gaddafi called former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice his “darling black African woman” and on a 2008 visit she made to Tripoli, the dictator gave her $200,000 worth of gifts, including a ring and a lute. But it wasn’t until rebels stormed his Tripoli compound that the depths of the dictator’s infatuation were exposed. There among Gaddafi’s belongings was a carefully composed photo album made up of dozens of images of no one but Rice.

5. Fear of Flying and Elevators: Part of the reason Gaddafi loved travelling with that tent of his was because he was worried about lodging in a hotel where he’d have to ride an elevator. According to leaked diplomatic cables, the Libyan didn’t like heights much either, and would only climb to a height of 35 steps. He therefore wasn’t much of a fan of flying, refusing to travel by air for more than eight hours at a time. When he would travel to New York of the U.N.’s annual general assembly, he would spend a night in Portugal on the way to the U.S.

6. Bunga Bunga: In 2010, one of Gaddafi’s most eccentric pastimes was exposed by Italian prosecutors investigating Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. A 17-year-old prostitute named Karima el-Mahroug, better known as Ruby Heartstealer, revealed that she had been invited to an orgy, called a “bunga bunga.” “Silvio told me that he’d copied that formula from Muammar Gaddafi,” she told prosecutors according to La Repubblica. “It’s a ritual of [Gaddafi’s] African harem.”

7. An Eclectic Wardrobe: In those photos of world leaders standing shoulder to shoulder on the sidelines of this or that international forum, Gaddafi was always the easiest to pick out. His wardrobe was an eclectic mix of ornate military uniforms, Miami Vice style leisure suits, and Bedouin robes. Gaddafi, who pushed for a pan-African federation of nations, often decorated his outfits with images of the African continent. He’d sport safari shirts printed with an Africa pattern, or wear garish pins or necklaces of the continent.


Obama’s new vision for ending Israel-Palestinian conflict

US President Barack Obama

In his strong desire to finally end the Israel-Palestinian conflict and bring peace to the Middle East, President Barack Obama, in a major speech, said that the only way to create a “viable Palestine and a secure Israel” is for the warring countries to co-exist based on borders that were present before the 1967 Middle East war, but with modifications due to Israeli expansion on the ground now.

It must be remembered that during the war, Israel seized the West Bank, Gaza Strip, the strategic Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula, to ensure the defensibility of the state of Israel.

“The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine,” Obama said in a 45-minute address laying out his vision of a new Middle East and North Africa.

While this vision sets well with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian  people, who always make reference of the West Bank and Gaza Strip as “occupied Palestinian territories,” it has, however, disconcerted  Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who reacted, saying, that there would be no withdrawal to the “indefensible” 1967 borders.

“A Palestinian state should not be established at the expense of Israel’s existence,” Netanyahu declared.

In Netanyahu’s mind is perhaps the estimated 300,000 Israelis living in settlements built in the West Bank, which lies outside those borders before 1967.

With so many settlements built throughout these years, is their any hope for peace now in the Middle East or has Obama’s vision for pacifism and accord just makes it all the more harder for the contending parties to embrace each other?

Is Obama’s objective realistic? Is it doable?

Could there be harmony without trust between peoples who have been bitter enemies since time immemorial?

Are they ready to bury the hatchet – for good?

Can Israel forever live in peace? Will there ever be a Palestinian state?

Or is all these a mere wishful thinking?

Bin Laden’s death and the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings

With Osama bin Laden’s death, will al-Qaeda continue to be a dreaded terrorist organization or will the modern day ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings that continue to sweep across North Africa and parts of the Middle East make it weaker and irrelevant eventually?

Finding success after toppling regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, the revolutionary civilian uprisings against long-standing, undemocratic and nepotistic leaders are causing unrest in Yemen and Syria and are threatening rulers in Bahrain, Lebanon and Morocco.

What started as protest against a despotic leader has now turned into a civil war in Libya with some western nations arming and helping the people fight a ground war against the Gaddafi’s forces.

While al-Qaeda became exalted and has inspired many Arab people and Muslim countries as a means to an end, ten years of an uneventful status, however, has turned this renowned terrorist organization as simply an ‘idea.’

What has become eventful news again regarding al-Qaeda, which took ten years to happen, is the capture and death of their leader, Osama bin Laden.

It is believed that this ‘idea’ has not and will not have any bearing at all to the people behind every ‘Arab Spring’ uprising.

‘Arab Spring’ has supplanted whatever success bin Laden’s al-Qaeda has brought about.

But, does this mean al-Qaeda is less of a threat now?

It never will be, according to CIA Director Leon Panetta.

“The terrorists almost certainly will attempt to avenge him (bin Laden), and we must — and will — remain vigilant and resolute,” he said. “But we have struck a heavy blow against the enemy. The only leader they have ever known, whose hateful vision gave rise to their atrocities, is no more. The supposedly uncatchable one has been caught and killed. And we will not rest until every last one of them has been delivered to justice.”

Perhaps that will take forever.

French ‘spiderman’ to climb world’s tallest building

Alain Robert, more know as the French ‘spiderman’ for his daring climbs, now plans to scale Burj Khalifa, the tallest building of the world at 828-metre (2,717-foot) in Dubai.

“My biggest fear is to waste my time on earth. For me, climbing is as important as eating and breathing. Climbing skyscrapers is my lifetime love and passion” Robert said.

He showed his apprehension, however, about climbing the Dubai tower because of the Middle Eastern heat.

“The problem in Dubai is the hot weather (of) up to 40 degrees (Celsius, 104 degrees Fahrenheit),” he said.

Robert, who first climbed his eight-floor apartment at 12 years of age after forgetting his keys, has since scaled more than 100 giant building across the globe with bare hands and shoes.

His famous climbs include the Petronas Twin Towers, Taiwan’s Taipei 101, the Eiffel Tower in France, the Empire State building in New York and the Sears Tower in Chicago