Women attracted to men with long ring finger

This is good news for men belonging to this category.

If it won’t boost their ego, at least they are now aware that this is so.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not writing this based on experience.

But, researchers in the University of Geneva have found out that men with ring fingers longer than their index fingers are more likely to be considered attractive by women.

How about that!

The study, published in the British Royal Society’s journal Biological Sciences, said it discovered intricate links between fetal exposure of males to hormones, the development of certain physical traits, and what turns on the opposite sex.

This recent discovery simply confirms earlier study which has already shown that the size ratio between the fourth and second fingers,  is a reliable indicator of the extent a man was exposed to testosterone while still in the womb.

For the new study, scientists led by Camille Ferdenzi designed an experiment to find out if women are drawn to the telltale signs of high testosterone levels in men — a symmetrical face, a deeper voice, a particular body odor, and the presence of what she called a “masculine” finger configuration.

A visual test was conducted also where more than 80 women university students between 18 and 34 were made to look at pictures of 49 similarly aged men, and asked to evaluate them for masculinity and attractiveness.

According to Ferdenzi, the results were obvious, saying, “The longer the ring finger compared to the index — that is, the greater the exposure to testosterone — the more attractive the face was rated.”

Absolutely wonderful for the long ring-fingered men! Right? Wrong!

Other studies have also proven that the ring-index finger ratio, tied to high level of testosterone exposure, is a useful indicator for gauging the risk of prostate cancer, likewise tied to high levels of testosterone.

It showed that the chances of developing the disease drop by a third in men whose index finger is longer than their ring finger.

The caveat? Let’s not get too ecstatic about having a long ring finger. If they find out, thank your stars! But, don’t start bragging about it. It won’t get you nowhere.