Australian star hurdler removes implants in preparation for 2012 Olympics

Aussie athlete Jana Rawlinson has revealed that she has had her highly publicized and much wanted breast implants taken out to enhance her chances of winning a medal for Australia at the 2012 Olympics.

“I absolutely loved having bigger boobs, but finally I’ve grown up enough to know myself; to be honest about who I am when I look in the mirror,” Rawlinson told the Woman’s Day magazine.

“I don’t want to short-change Australia either — I want to feel the most athletic I can, to know that I’m standing on the track in London the fittest I can be.”

Rawlinson, 27, who recently announced plans to remarry her estranged husband and manager Chris Rawlinson, had admitted she spent 13,000 dollars in the past 14 months to get the surgery done, but she is now taking the implants out as they are affecting her performance on track.

But she has not ruled out going back under the knife and having the fake breasts re-implanted once her track career is over.