Oral sex, stabbed wound and pregnancy

Tell me that this is not true!

It is about a bizarre story of a 15-year old girl in the small southern African nation of Lesotho who went to local doctors with the tell tale signs of pregnancy.

Upon examination, however, the doctors were all taken aback when they found out that the girl did not have a vagina.

“Inspection of the vulva showed no vagina, only a shallow skin dimple,” so doctors delivered a healthy baby boy via cesarean, the authors wrote in a case report published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

While it did not necessarily shock the attending physicians her kind of birth defect called Müllerian agenesis or Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome, what got them dumbfounded was her pregnancy.

Needless to say that even the 15-year-old girl herself could not believe she was pregnant.

What happened then?

Thorough investigation of the girls past revealed that she was admitted in the hospital 278 days earlier with a knife wound to her stomach. The average pregnancy lasts 280 days. Further verification disclosed that just before she was stabbed in the abdomen she had practiced fellatio with her new boyfriend and was caught in the act by her former lover.

The doctors have found out that the girl had an empty stomach when brought to the hospital after being stabbed. There was also little stomach acid around at the time she got stabbed which wound reach up to her abdominal cavity.

It has been theorized that what happened next, after doctors washed her stomach out with a salt solution and stitched her up, is that spermatozoa gained access to the reproductive organ via the injured gastrointestinal tract and, thus, the pregnancy.


I could only salute to the swimming ability, if not the tenacity, of the sperm!