FBI shows ‘new’ Bin Laden images

Osama Bin Laden may look significantly different today than he did just a few years ago without his turban and with a small neat beard instead of the long beard.

The FBI has released recently two versions of how the world’s most wanted terrorist may look like today: one in his traditional style and another in a new “Western look” he may have adopted with no beard.

The digitally-enhanced images show an aged Bin Laden with grey hair and wrinkles.

“It is our hope that these digitally enhanced images will help someone recognise these terrorist suspects and then contact the Rewards for Justice program with information that leads to their apprehension,” said senior US State Department official Robert Eckert.

There is a $25 million bounty on bin Laden’s head for the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.

Bin Laden is now 52.