Dr. Cabral and her condom advocacy

Ever since Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral and her Department of Health (DoH) staff started  distributing free condoms on Valentine’s Day as part of their campaign to stem the spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), she, in particular, has become a controversial figure.

But, why would her action be considered controvertible by the Catholic hierarchy when her professional training as a doctor dictates that this move could very well prevent, if not slow down, the escalation of HIV/AIDS?

What makes the conduct of giving free condoms to the public an affront to ‘Catholic sensitivity,’ displeasing the Catholic bishops to the extent that they are mounting an assault against the government for tolerating it and venting their ire on Health Secretary Cabral whom they want kicked out of office because of the project?

Is maligning the person the prize one gets now for doing a good job for government that is of the people, by the people and for the people?

We, including the Catholic hierarchy, should be thankful to Secretary Cabral for going that extra mile in monitoring and warning the public that the present number of HIV cases had doubled in the last five years since 1984.

The state is doing right in looking after the welfare of the Filipino people.

It is about time we take the HIV/AIDS scourge seriously. Something has got to be done even if it offends the stand of the church.

If giving out of free condoms is part of the educational process about safe sex, then let it be. It won’t diminish the people’s strong belief and conviction of their Catholic faith.

Lip service by the Catholic Church about the plague will not get us anywhere. Certainly it will not arrest the increasing rate of HIV affected persons and neither does their words give an assurance of eternal salvation if they don’t use condoms.