Eat pork and enjoy sex

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez has said that eating pork is as effective as popping a Viagra pill to spice up sex life.

Fernandez related her experience of eating some roasted pork over the weekend with her husband, former president Nestor Kirchner, at the couple’s retreat in Argentina’s bucolic southern Patagonia region, with “impressive” results.

“It went very well that weekend, so it could well be true,” she said.

The sexy talk on pork was aimed at expanding the protein horizons of Argentina’s staunch beef-loving public.

Fernandez approved subsidies to keep the price of pork low despite inflation, and her government has also recently subsidized red meat producers after beef supplies sharply declined in the South American country.

The head of the association of pork producers, Juan Luis Uccelli, supported Fernandez’s speech by saying that Denmark and Japan have a much more “harmonious” sexual life than the Argentines because they eat a lot of pig meat.