Call to boycott “Made in China” product ridiculous

Albay's Governor Joey Salceda

Just because there is nothing the Philippines can do against a bullying Goliath, in connection with the Spratly Islands brouhaha, a known political ally of President Benigno Aquino and Albay’s Gov. Joey Salceda is calling on all Filipinos to boycott products made in China.

“Let us boycott ‘Made in China’ products. Buy Filipino. Let us hurt them where it counts,” Salceda said in his Independence Day speech at the provincial hall in Legazpi City.

I find this urging so ridiculous because it is simply impossible to do it.

The world, practically, has been made the dumping ground of Chinese products, ever since this behemoth of nation has awaken and found once more their potential, that everywhere you look is something made in China.

Rich nations have given up producing goods in their own backyards because they find it more profitable having China produce it for them.

China is now the world’s top manufacturer. That said, it also means that China is the largest exporter. Name it China has it, for distribution all over the world. It does not only cater to the rich, but mainly to the poor because of its affordable prices.

But, that is neither here nor there. The issue is about the Spratlys that China is claiming in whole.

There is just no way in the world that we, as people, can carry the “boycott Chinese product” stick to clobber them to giving up what history tells them is theirs.

This is the price we have to pay for being poor, weak and globally known to be a corrupt nation.

This is the price we have to pay for indulging in politics too much, which is the very reason that has made the Philippines  the basket case in Asia.

Instead of nation building, politicians build their own castles first and the worst thing is that this deplorable ways has rubbed on even the core of the military hierarchy that has been mandated to protect the land, air and sea security of this nation.

But, nothing is lost yet. We simply have to bond with the rest of the small nation claimants of the Spratly Islands and, united, fight diplomatically the ugly designs of China over this area.

We can only hope and pray that we get support and assistance from other powerful countries, other than the US, in thwarting the hegemonic ambitions of China.