The villain of Costa Concordia disaster

The ill-fated Costa Concordia

The event that led to the Costa Concordia disaster could never have been one that the cruise ship was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There are even those that are blaming the ship builders for the faulty hull design. Obviously, these are people that are trying to absolve Captain Francisco Schettino from any liability despite the fact that he was seen abandoning his ship for his own personal safety even before all the passengers could have been safely evacuated as the ship was perilously listing. (  )

For this shameful and uninspiring decision by a ship captain of saving his life first before others, which goes against the precept and lore of the sea, where it is widely the belief that a ship’s captain, in the event of disaster, must go down with his ship or at least he is expected to be the last one to step off its awash decks, Captain Schettino is now known universally as Captain Coward.

Captain Francisco Schettino and Domnica Cemortan

To silence the skeptics and ‘to set the record straight’, the person that is believed to have made the ship’s captain forget his role and responsibilities as a leader to a floating as well as to a sinking ship, and made him succumb instead to the desires of the flesh, has granted to be interviewed.

Domnica Cemortan, the alleged villain, has herself admitted that she had been dining and flirting with Captain Francisco Schettino before the disaster and was with him on the bridge when the ship struck rocks on January 13.

It was widely reported that Schettino may have been trying to impress the 25-year-old beauteous blonde from Moldova whom he knew first and got smitten when she worked on the ship for three weeks translating for Russian passengers.

When her contract ended the month before the tragedy, she returned as a paying passenger. But before that Domnica was the subject of worldwide attempts to unravel what really happened on the night that cost the lives of 32 people off the Italian coastline.

Note that she has repeatedly denied any intimate relationship between her and the captain, even after her luggage and bikinis were discovered in the captain’s submerged cabin.

But during the interview, Domnica finally revealed her true feelings for the despicable Italian captain, saying, that not only had she been alone with Schettino in his cabin earlier during the evening of the tragedy, but that they had shared a passionate kiss, which she suspects was a prelude to them becoming lovers.

“He was always respectful when I was a member of his staff, but once  I was a passenger then it was different. I think we probably would have ended up in bed, eventually, but I never found out because of the crash,” Domnica confessed.

4 comments on “The villain of Costa Concordia disaster

  1. nosenadajeff says:

    This is so tragic and so pathetic.I would not want to be this guy for all the money in the world,or in his case….all the women in the world.How will he continue his life after all that’s happened.It makes you wonder what part of his body he was thinking with on that evening.As the saying goes…”Women…you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them.” I don’t think he’s gonna be living with any of them for a long time,including his wife.Worst case scenario…he could have been a leader of a country with nuclear capability….fooling around with the young lady in the control room.She could have asked…”What does this little button do?”……To which he replies “Here,I’ll show you!” There goes the world.You know…it is possible that the navigation instruments were steamed up.

    • quierosaber says:

      LOL! Exactly! Steamed up and went haywire. Won’t be surprised if the captain’s shipmates were stoned too as investigators found traces of cocaine in the captain’s hair. She must have been a sight to behold for the dickheads not to mind the ship’s sophisticated/state-of-the-art navigational instruments.

Let me know what you think