Talisay City mayor’s dilemma


Mayor Socrates "Soc" Fernandez

I can’t help but write about this man who is both a symbol of righteousness and stupidity.

Why does Talisay City Mayor Socrates Fernandez continue to be so naïve as not to admit that his adopted son, Joavan, is his biggest problem in the city?

Why is Mayor Soc still in denial about his adopted son’s abuses and culpability with his reported brushes with the law?

Is the evangelist mayor waiting for a miracle from God to reform Joavan or is Soc going to get out of his religious cloak and start putting some sense in his adopted son’s head before it is too late?

Hand-cuffed adopted son Joavan

The incident involving Joavan again, where this time he was the aggrieved party when he run to the police and reported that four unidentified men “harassed” him by kicking the tail portion of his Isuzu Bighorn car and with one of the men allegedly whipping out his gun and firing in the air, is another regrettable case in point.

But, was it harassment that the men did to him or was he simply told politely to park his car properly because it was blocking the road and causing traffic?

If it was not his uncouth and abusive self again acting inconsiderately and disrespectfully toward the people in Talisay, it, certainly, would not have ended the way it did.

It could have turned for the worst, but it was Joavan’s cowardice that saved the day for him.

It was a big blow to Joavan’s ego that he was given his own dose of medicine and felt impotent to fight back.

He has lost his face for people now have seen that he is not what he wants the residents of Talisay to believe he is – tough macho!

Those unidentified men surely intimidated Joavan, who went to the authorities with his tail in between his legs.

The latest Joavan incident should be a wake-up call for the forgiving father, Soc.

Either Mayor Soc starts shaping up his adopted son to get over his dilemma or somebody else will get it over for him, sometime – for good.

2 comments on “Talisay City mayor’s dilemma

  1. tony l says:

    ha ha this is good .

  2. tjmagsakay22 says:

    Socrates Fernandez resides in Bulacao, Talisay City close to Cebu City.

Let me know what you think