No more amnesty for coup plotters

When shall this country’s leaders ever learn when enough is enough?

Shall we all have to wait until we see and realize that the senate has become a haven for military officers involve in coup d’ etat, one time or another?

It is about time government stops playing politics and finally put a stop to military adventurism.

We don’t even have to ask the question whether or not their act of revolting against the government is bane or boon for the country.

For military officers, the likes of Gringo Honasan, Antonio Trillanes and even Danny Lim for that matter, who have been sworn to protect and defend the constitution and the patrimony of this country, their conspiracy to topple down a government they have promised to serve with all their might is worse than the undermining activities made by the radicals and communists in this country. At least we know that the latter groups have their own ideologies repeatedly ingrained in their minds.

If we talk, therefore, about to whom amnesty should be extended, it should be more directed to those whose minds have been twisted, indoctrinated and brainwashed just so the organization could gain more followers and increase their numbers so they could muster enough strength to fight the forces of government which they want destroyed.

We want these dissidents back to the fold of the law and teach them to be productive citizens of this country.

The soldiers, following the orders from their military officers, find themselves in the same predicament. They are forced to believe by these young, brash officers – their superiors – that what they are doing is for the good of the  country.

Little do the soldiers know that the change they want to happen is simply satisfying their own selfish interest and not the interest of their subordinate soldiers.

The egos of these cocky and disrespectful young officers are so inflated that they think they are better than anybody else. You see it in their defiant stance and language in the act of rebellion. You see it more in their arrogant posturing once they become senators of the realm.

Amnesty for the soldiers because of their blind obedience and being good soldiers, yes, give them amnesty.

But for the officers, there should be no amnesty. Let them suffer the consequences of their self-serving ambitions. Let them pay for the encumbrances committed and the collateral damages incurred with their tangled and perverted minds.

They have failed as military leaders. Obviously, they, too, will fail as leaders of this struggling nation.

Let me know what you think