El Shaddai unofficially endorses Villar

It has been reported that the Catholic group El Shaddai exclusively invited presidential candidate Manny Villar and his running mate Loren Legarda when its leader, Bro. Mike Velarde, held a prayer rally in central Hongkong recently.

While Velarde disclaims that he has formally endorsed Villar’s candidacy, his actions and words were enough indication and clue where his heart belonged to, thus, undeniably signaling his flock to follow his lead.

Definitely, this is a big boost to the Nacionalista Party’s standard bearer who is said to be closing in on Noynoy Aquino’s poll survey ratings amid verbal assault that the son of democracy icon and former president Cory Aquino is an inexperienced neophyte and only has his name to boot while portraying himself as a rags-to-riches businessman and savior of beleaguered OFWs.

But, doesn’t it make you wonder why a Christian like Velarde throws in his lot behind Villar and not at his fellow Christian leader, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, of the Jesus Is Lord Movement’s political party, Bangon Pilipinas?

Doesn’t Velarde subscribe to Villanueva’s “politics of God?”

How odd it has to be that while they share the same goals in preaching practically the same religious ideals and beliefs, they, however, don’t share the same political platforms.

People know that like Villar, Velarde has also become a very wealthy man.

Perhaps the idiomatic expression we have been hearing that, “birds of the same feather flock together,” is true.

It is just as true as when we hear people say that, “politics makes strange bedfellows.”

2 comments on “El Shaddai unofficially endorses Villar

  1. Good day! I just wish to make clarifications on your statement–

    “Bro. Eddie Villanueva, of the Jesus Is Lord Movement’s political party, Bangon Pilipinas”

    Quoting Bangon Pilipinas Party’s spokesperson/president, Mr. Cielito Habito:

    “I wish to clarify emphatically that Bangon Pilipinas is NOT the political party of the Jesus Is Lord (JIL) Church. The Party is in fact composed of representatives from various multi-sectoral groups, with JIL being only one of them. It is for this reason, as the Inquirer correctly reports, that Bro. Eddie Villanueva has taken an indefinite leave from his regular duties at JIL to concentrate on Bangon’s political plans.

    I have the highest respect for JIL but wish to clarify further that I am not a member of that Church. As you may know, I have always been and remain a practicing Roman Catholic, and there are numerous other Catholics working for and supporting Bangon Pilipinas’ cause.”



    Thank you.

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