Disband private armies forever in this country

It is good to hear that the Philippine National Police (PNP) has identified, they say, 68 private armies nationwide and will try to ‘dismantle and neutralize’ them before the May 10 elections.

I hope this is not just merely ‘talking the talk’ to impress the citizenry.

It is not about what the people wants to hear. It is more about what the people wants to see done for good – in an honest to goodness job.

So it is more on wanting to see the PNP ‘walking the walk’ for the good of this country.

This promise has often been said by the authorities in the past and as many times as there have been elections, only to fail to follow it through after a half-hearted declaration.

It is the people’s hope that this time it is done no matter whose toes are being stepped on.

PNP chief Director General Jesus Verzosa is said to have activated a Special Task Force to go after those keeping and sustaining private armies.

Whether it is in Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao, the ones that are operating private armies could only be summed up into one group: POLITICIANS.

It is not about ethnicity or belonging to any religious affiliation.

It is about being the unscrupulous Filipino politician.

It is about political power, wealth and influence and wanting more of the same.

It is dominion over their fellowmen that makes politicians operate private armies.

It is the reason why political dynasties are created.

Yes, find, disband and neutralize them.

Make them feel that none of us are above the law.

Let me know what you think