Liberal Party’s ‘yellow army’

There is nothing more sensible and clever election strategy by the Liberal Party for the Noynoy-Mar tandem than to have 600,000-strong “Yellow Army” scattered all over the country to make sure they win in the presidential and vice-presidential race in the May elections.

This is a brilliant idea and we owe it to LP campaign manager Florencio Abad, former Defense secretary Avelino Cruz, ex-Integrated Bar of the Philippines president Joel Cadiz and a host of other top legal defenders who believes not only in the ability, capability, and leadership of Noynoy and Mar, but most of all in having faith in the integrity of these two youthful candidates who will make us proud of them as our leaders.

Let us not allow this defining moment, where the chance, the option and the destiny of this nation is left to our own free will and accord to elect whom we think are the most competent to lead us and give us back the glory this country has lost.

2010 is a year like no other.

Let us not allow ourselves to get frustrated, ever again.

We have a clear choice of honest, reliable and selfless presidential team-up who are pedigrees of honorable and respected names in politics and public service.

Let us shun away from controversial presidential bets, who most likely than not, will continue to generate controversy to the detriment of this nation’s progress.

Let us spurn those presidential aspirants who have been there before and have left us nothing but bitter taste in our palates.

Let us turn away from presidential candidates whose ticket to the presidency is their fame and fortune.

Let us avoid voting into office presidential timbers whose allegiance and duty is to continue serving that to whom he has been beholden to, at the expense of the of the populace.

The Filipino people deserve a better government.

We, therefore, wish the “Yellow Army” the very best of luck in successfully indoctrinating and convincing the electorate in every nook and corner of this country, most especially the younger ones that they will not go wrong voting for the Aquino-Roxas team.

Let me know what you think