Sen. Manny Villar’s disastrous political alliances

For a presidential candidate, Sen. Manny Villar’s rags to riches story should inspire and uplift people from all walks of life, especially in these times of economic woes and downfalls.

Villar’s presidential ambitions, coming from humble beginnings, should, perhaps, instigate mass movement of support from Filipinos who wants to see this country finally move forward and be respected by other nations, for it shows how ones determination, confidence, and perseverance can make things happen.

It is about time we get to have a leader who can become a good president.

One is never born a good president. But, Sen. Villar has already what it takes to become a good president because of the hard work he has done, the skills he has acquired and honed, and the achievements he has gained both in private practice and in politics.

Undeniably, Sen. Villar has made effective decisions to make him successful and this has set well to be where he is now. Right?


When the nation needed Villar to be his usual brilliant self, he commits a boo-boo by showing the people how far he would go just so he could be assured of the support of popular world  boxing champion Manny Pacquiao to buoy up his presidential quest.

Has Manny Villar lost his poise and self-belief?

What is even worse and definitely eroding his conviction as a presidential candidate is his alliance with the Marcoses.

The Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) which the dictator Marcos founded and is now headed by his son Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., has entered into a coalition with Villar’s NP. Bongbong is running for senator under the NP in the 2010 elections.

But, what is harder to swallow is Mrs. Imelda Marcos’ espousal of Villar’s candidacy that is hinged, perhaps, on her strong belief that if Villar becomes president, the remains of her husband, which continue to lie in a refrigerated crypt in the Marcos mausoleum in Batac, Ilocos, will finally be accorded a hero’s burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

If this is an unspoken promise by Villar to the Marcoses, then this is a great disservice to the nation and for the people who suffered terrible anxiety and pain under the dictator. This action may eventually end Villar’s success story.

It is not yet late for Sen. Villar to review his disastrous political alliances.

Out of it, he could yet be a formidable presidential bet in 2010 elections.

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