Nevada brothel soon to have first male prostitutes

Bobbi Davis, owner of Shady Lady Ranch brothel in Nevada, is planning to boost further her business by hiring her first legal male prostitutes.

“With so many other male revues going on in Vegas, we thought it was time to give this a try,” Davis said.

But, what made Davis finally decide to try having the oldest profession practiced by men in Nevada is the fact that state health officials have finally agreed on a method to test men for infectious diseases.

Unlike the frequent cervical testing for sexually transmitted diseases undertaken by women, men  will undergo urethral examination.

“The world is ready for women, or even other men, to legally buy sex,” said Davis.

Before the male prostitutes start plying their trade, however, Davis, Flint and Nye County Sheriff Tony DeMeo admits that brothel owner Davis still needs county approval to have a lineup of male prostitutes offering their services.

“We’re going to look at it. We have some concerns,” said DeMeo, who is a member of both the health commission and the board that administers alcohol, gambling and brothel licenses.

The Shady Lady Ranch owner, who lives and works at her compound of trailers off U.S. 95 about 150 miles northwest of Las Vegas, says she is still studying the pay structure of her male prostitutes. The women charges $300 per hour.