Slugger McGuire admits steroid use

Mark McGwire finally came clean, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball’s home run record in 1998.

“I wish I had never touched steroids. It was foolish and it was a mistake. I truly apologize. Looking back, I wish I had never played during the steroid era,” McGwire said in a statement on the Cardinals website.

Big Mac, the moniker given him by fans, was summoned to a congressional hearing in 2005 to testify on the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in Major League Baseball, but repeatedly deflected questions that honed in on his personal use.

The burly Cardinal slugger captured the imagination of American sports fans in 1998 when he out-slugged Chicago Cubs Sammy Sosa in their head-to-head battle to break Roger Maris’s 61 coveted home-run record that stood since 1961. McGuire finished the 1998 season with 70 home runs against Sosa’s 66 runs.

The newly hired St. Louis Cardinals hitting coach, by his admission, has now settled for good the issue surrounding his use of steroids during his battle for the home run record