Iran on warpath against Israel

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme leader Ali Khamenei

Is Iran the next flashpoint?

This seem to be the question the world is anxious to know about if one has to gauge from the exchange of rhetoric between Iran and Israel after the U.N. atomic agency released a report that said Iran is suspected of conducting secret experiments whose sole purpose is the development of nuclear arms.

It will be noted that Iran has always insisted that it is pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and denied any military applications to its nuclear program.

Israel, as well as the US, however, are not taking this at face value. Knowing very well Iran and their cantankerous leaders, it is simply too good to be true.

As soon as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report came out insinuating that Iran is using the cover of a peaceful nuclear program to produce atomic weaponry, Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad immediately lambasted the atomic agency, saying, that Iran won’t retreat “one iota” from its nuclear program.

This was followed by a strong and menacing remarks from Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who, when talking to the students at a Tehran military college, said that Iran “will respond with full force to any aggression or even threats in a way that will demolish the aggressors from within.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres

The Ayatollah’s forceful remarks came on the heels of an equally aggressive posturing by Israeli President Shimon Peres who said that, because of the revealing report, air strikes against Iran’s nuclear sites were becoming “more and more likely.”

Although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appealed to the international community to help bring about the cessation of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons which endanger the peace of the world and of the Middle East, their national media reported that he and Defense Minister Ehud Barak were seeking cabinet support for a pre-emptive Israeli attack on Iran.

The U.S. and allies claim that a nuclear-armed Iran could touch off a nuclear arms race among rival states, including Saudi Arabia, and that would really spell disaster in capital letters.

There is now urgency for the US and allies to placate Israel and for Iran to change course and stop their senseless ambitions of building nuclear weapons before it is too late.

China and Russia, both considered as Iran’s main sources of diplomatic support should heed the call of the US to use its influence and pressure Iran to stop pursuing their dreams of being a nuclear armed nation.

The world is not about to be fooled by Iran’s wicked intentions.

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